CAPITAL.RO | April 16, 2020

The pandemic did not scare small companies in Romania. They kept their employees and the paychecks 

The majority of small companies and micro-enterprises kept their employees and their paychecks in spite the fact they face serious financial problems as a result of the triggered crisis by the new Coronavirus. This is what a research on almost 1000 SMEs showed us. The research is still in progress and is conducted by Ingenius Hub.

BURSA.RO | April 16, 2020

Small companies kept their employees and their paychecks in spite of the crisis triggered by Covid-19 

The majority of small companies and micro-enterprises kept their employees and their paychecks in spite the fact they face serious financial problems as a result of the triggered crisis by the new Coronavirus. This is what a research on almost 1000 SMEs showed us. The research is still in progress and is conducted by Ingenius Hub.


Additional regulation for firms trying to get EU funds through to 2020 

Rodica Lupu, founder and managing partner of Loop Operations, talks to BR about some of the main changes applicants should consider and the major developments concerning EU funds since the new programs were launched.

CAPITAL.RO | September 4, 2016

First steps in entrepreneurship 

It would be ideal for a person that wants to start a business to know what they will sell, to know the product or service they offer, what financial resources wants to invest, what does he want to achieve and in what period of time.

WALL-STREET.RO | July 5, 2016

Ingenius Hub, the newest start-ups accelerator in Bucharest. How does it look and what does it want to achieve. 

This hub is different because its focus is on the consultancy given for European funds attraction and a team of trainers that has the time for mentoring.

WALL-STREET.RO | 4 iulie 2016

Cine este Rodica Lupu, antreprenoarea care ajuta companiile sa obtina fonduri europene. 

Daca esti intraprenorial, te faci mult mai repede remarcat pentru ca iti pui in valoare calitatile, tu te cunosti si stii ce poti sa faci. | February 29, 2016

Rodica Lupu, Founder and CEO of Loop Operations

I believe in responsible entrepreneurship, in the partnership between public and private environments, in the competition doubled by cooperation and the power of influence that every human has. In all the projects I start or get involved with I’m motivated by innovation and excellence. | November 16, 2015

150.000 RON investment in a new location on Bucharest’s hubs map. 

Ingenius Hub is open to every entrepreneur, no matter the field of activity. We expect that the most members to be start-ups from the mobile, IT&C domain because it’s a market that’s growing exponentially, although we support any idea of a sustainable business.