Challenges in public health at European level – call for NGOs

Small grants scheme no. 2 has a value of 1 million EUROs for maximum 12 months projects done by NGOs for providing outreach healthcare services in order to improve prevention of vulnerable population in secluded areas, for the following activities:

  • Activities that provide healthcare services for mother and child health, “women healthcare” and familial planning;
  • Activities that prevent infectious diseases (for example, without limiting to tuberculosis, hepatitis B and C, HIV / AIDS, COVID-19). The prevention of infectious diseases can be done linked with vaccination, outreach session that occur in secluded areas;
  • Activities that prevent non-transmissible diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, respiratory diseases, mental health, oral health, nutrition and physical education, etc);

Projects can be submitted until April 29, 2021 17:00 PM EEST

The minimum/maximum value of the grant that can be requested in order to implement one project is 50.000 EUROs to 200.000 EUROs. This value represents 90% out of one project’s total value.

In order to carry projects to the end, NGOs that applied can partner up with:

  • Public entities, NGOs, private entities (general practitioners) established as Romanian legal entities;
  • Any public or private entity, commercial or noncommercial, such as governmental organizations established with legal personality from Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein

Projects presented in the current small grants scheme must address the next main targeted group: Individuals from vulnerable groups, including Roma ethnicity.

The recommended group that benefits from outreach healthcare services out of all vulnerable groups, including Roma ethnicity people, is greater than 400 people.

The main categories of eligible costs are:

  • Cost of assigned staff to the project
  • Travel and subsistence allowances for project’ staff
  • Cost of new equipment
  • Consumable costs, on the condition that these are identified and assigned to the project
  • Related costs of other contracts assigned by the Project Manager in order to carry the project to the end, on the condition that the assignments must respect applicable rules regarding public acquisition and current law.
  • Arising costs from imposed requirements through the financing contract for every project
  • Indirect costs: administrative costs